We are parents of a toddler and we strongly believe in right-brain training as we have witnessed the tremendous effects on our daughter.

We have flash cards for sale, please take a look at the topics on the right. Our cards are A5 size.

Do feel free to contact Roy (91699306) or Summer (91453782) if you have any queries about the topics or on the pricing.
Alternatively, you can also drop us an email @ summerkang@gmail.com : )

For parents who would like to DIY your own flashcards, feel free to use our topic list. We are sure if we can think of the topics, so can you. It's not any great secret, everything can be found in google with a click of a mouse. All you need is time and effort :)

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Sunday 12 October 2014

Animal Shadows

Just did this set of flashcards for my little ones : )

Comes in a set of 25 pieces ($8.75)

To place an order, pls email summerkang@gmail.com or contact 91453782 (summer).

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Different ways to cook eggs

We customized this set of flashcards for a really nice mommy! : ) This set of flashcards contain 13 pieces ($4.55).

Pls contact 9145 3782 to place an order or drop us an email at summerkang@gmail.com.

Sunday 28 September 2014


This set of flashcards contains 23 pieces ($8.05). Pls contact 91699306 (Roy) or 91453782 (summer) to place an order. You can also email to summerkang@gmail.com.

Have a lovely weekend! : )

Thursday 25 September 2014

We are on Facebook!

Hi All,

We are on Facebook! : )

Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/flashcardsforlittleones.

and get 5% off all purchases, see you on Facebook! We will be updating regularly there! : )



Sunday 21 September 2014

Timeless Classic Storybooks : Madeline

Madeline is a timeless classic storybook, well loved over many years. As it happens, our little girl loved the story book :)

Yours for $15 - Brand new (This is a storybook, not flashcards)

Sunday 7 September 2014

Animal Similes

We did this set of flashcards to reinforce the learning in class today as the teachers taught animal similes today! It's time to introduce animal similes to my daughter as she simply adores animals so I am keeping a set for myself :)

This flashcards come in a set of 36 ($12.60).

Saturday 16 August 2014

Thursday 14 August 2014

Famous fairy tales

.... and they lived happily .. ever after....

This set of flash cards contain 21 pieces ($7.35)
Contact us at 91453782 (Summer) or 91699306 (Roy)
Email : summerkang@gmail.com

Things associated with a soldier

John F Kennedy : Ask not what the country can do for you, ask what can  you do for the country.

This set of flashcards contains 21 cards ($6.30)

Tuesday 12 August 2014


Super heroes are here to save the world !!

This set of flashcards contain 21 pieces ($6.30)

Customization : Types of bread

We had a special request from a special customer to customize a few topics and we are keeping a set of this to add on to our collection : )

This set of flashcards contains 17 pieces ($5.10). Please contact us at 91453782 or email to summerkang@gmail.com to place an order : )

Sunday 10 August 2014

Things that are orange

This set of flashcards contains 21 pieces ($6.30). Do contact us at 91453782 or email summerkang@gmail.com to place an order : )

Friday 8 August 2014

Things that you wear

This set of flashcards contains 31 pieces ($9.30). Email to summerkang@gmail.com or contact us at 9145 3782 to place an order : )


Saturday 2 August 2014

Things that are yellow

This set of flashcards contains 23 pieces ($6.90)

Do contact us at 91453782 or 91699306

Friday 1 August 2014

Types of Balls

This set of flashcards contains 21 pieces ($6.30).

Have a lovely weekend! : )

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Things You Find In a Supermarket

Do you know something? When you become a mom, even grocery shopping becomes a luxury! How true! : )

This set of flash cards contain 21 pieces ($6.30). Pls contact me at 91453782 or email to summerkang@gmail.com for more details : )

Thursday 1 May 2014

Creepy Crawlies

Do you know that cockroaches have walked the Earth for hundreds of millions of years? If you could travel back to the Jurassic Period and walk among the dinosaurs, you would easily recognize the cockroaches crawling under logs and stones in prehistoric forests.

This set of flash cards contain 31 slides, $9.30.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Fighter planes!

This set of flash cards contain 21 pieces ($6.30)
Contact us at 91453782 (Summer) or 91699306 (Roy)
Email : summerkang@gmail.com

Parts of a computer

Under the sea, Under the sea ...

We got a special request to customize this set for a really sweet little girl by the name of Arielle : ) We hope she loves this set as much as we do! This comes in a set of 21 pieces : )

Monday 17 March 2014

Vegetables That Grow Underground

When you think of fresh garden vegetables, you probably think of green, leafy salads topped with slices of juicy red tomatoes, diced peppers and crisp young cucumbers. Although these above-ground vegetables supply fruit brimming with flavor and bursting with color, many less showy vegetables grow beneath the ground and add variety and texture to your meals. Some examples are carrots and lotus root, just to name a few : )

A set of 21 pieces : )

Welcome to Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world populated by peculiar, anthropomorphic creatures. The tale plays with logic, giving the story lasting popularity with adults as well as with children.

I really like this set personally because of the captivating graphics and it definitely catches my attention when Roy showed this to me (he did all this set all by himself).

This comes in a set of 21 pieces : )

Sunday 16 March 2014

Things You Use Everyday

Can you think of 18 things you use everyday?

This comes in a set of 37 pieces : )

Saturday 15 March 2014

Announcing the arrival of .....

Hello everyone,

For the month of April and May, we'll only be providing free delivery if the order is $200 and above.

The reason is ....

Thank you for your kind understanding and support so far and keep your orders coming : )

Saturday 8 March 2014

World Famous City Icons

World famous city icons, how many do you know? : ) A lovely set of 21 pieces : )

Friday 7 March 2014

Latest Collection - Sharp Objects & Things That Can Roll

Safety reminder: Keep sharp objects out of reach from your little ones.

Sorry for the long hiatus, we are back with more topics! We have been inactive because our printer is down but it is now up and running, so we are back to printing more flashcards! : )

Stay with us, because we will be sharing more topics in the next few posts : )

Friday 14 February 2014

World Famous Monuments

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – St. Augustine

Roy secretly did this topic without me knowing and I thought it was thoughtfully and beautifully done! Two thumbs up! Comes in a set of 21 pieces : )

Thursday 13 February 2014

How well do you know your body parts?

Do you know that:

You use 200 muscles to take one step.

Your big toes have two bones each while the rest have three

A pair of human feet contains 250,000 sweat glands

A full bladder is roughly the size of a soft ball

The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades

The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the Encyclopedia Britannica

It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach

The average human dream lasts 2-3 seconds

There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.

Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of water to a boil.

The enamel in your teeth is the hardest substance in your body.

Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born.

When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they do the same when you are looking at someone you hate.

Your thumb is the same length as your nose.

And now I bet that if you read this you put your thumb to you nose - just to check

This comes in a set of 27 pieces.

We will be doing internal organs for our next topic, so stay with us!

Happy Valentines' Day! 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Activites of Daily Life

This topic was inspired by Roy when he was bathing my little girl.

"MOMMY! I got an idea, we can do activities of daily life, like the things we do everyday on a daily basis!" He said excitedly while bathing my little girl.

And TADAH, ask and you shall have. This comes in a set of 25 : )

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Winnie the Pooh Characters

"We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
Even longer,' Pooh answered.”
A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

My daughter recognizes winnie the pooh from reading the winnie the pooh storybooks, so I did this today for her today! When I ask her, "what does pooh bear like to eat?", she will pause and reply "HONEY!" I am sure she will squeal with joy when she sees us flashing this set tomorrow : ) This comes in a set of 17 : )

Sunday 9 February 2014

Samples - Musical Instruments & Flags of Asian Countries

Are you a music lover?

We were printing some orders and we would like to share some of the more interesting topics here. We have a few mommies asking for this set and this is a sample of the musical instrument set.

We have quite a few topic on the flags of countries (flags of asian countries, flags of countries beginning with A..) and this is how it looks like : ) Very useful to let your little ones recognize the the flags of the different countries.

Ok, back to printing : )

Friday 7 February 2014

Are you a foodie?

Then this set is made just for you! : ) We just printed (and flashed) this set today and I think my daughter is captivated by all the yummy japanese food!

Just an update, our paper is here! and we are very busy printing all our orders (over 5000 pieces), do contact us at 9145 3782 (Summer) and 91699306 (Roy) if you wish to place an order : )

Cheers! : )

Monday 27 January 2014

Housekeeping - How are we storing our flashcards?

We have a few mommies asking us how we are storing our flashcards : ) If you have a lot of flashcards, you will really need to have a good and organized way of keeping and storing your flashcards.

It's no big secret, we use these transparent boxes to store our flashcards. The best thing about these boxes is this - you can stack them up so they wont take up a lot of space! This is really important if you don't want to clutter up your house : ) We also label the box (Box A, Box B, Box C, Box D...) and we rotate the box for different days (we flash one box every day)! : ) We have about 5-6 boxes of these flashcards and we will rotate the flashcards everyday so that our daughter wont get bored of the same topics : )

One of the mommy suggested that we package the box into our flashcards so that mommies can have the option to purchase the boxes to store their flashcards too! We thought it's an awesome idea and so we are implementing it! : )

We will be selling these storage boxes for $6.50 per box for any flashcards order : ) Just an estimate, one box can store about 20-30 topics (just a rough gauge as different topics have different thickness).

We will be really busy printing flashcards and creating new topics for the month of February, so keep your orders coming, we will be happy to serve you! : )

Wishing everyone a prosperous neigh year! : )

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Growing Up

Sometimes I think children really grow up too fast! In a flash, my sweetie is already 19 months. 19 months, she is going to be 2 years old in 5 more months! Now, I am busy researching and settling her pre-school registration, my sweetie is going to school in 2015! I will really miss having her around the house, all the impromtu field trips, the countless zoo visits, botanic garden picnic...

After realizing that our sweetie has a thing for songs, we did quite a few sets of song flashcards and she can now sing-along with us! We will intentionally pause at some words and she will be able to say the words! We try to make learning as fun for her as possible and flashcards is one of the tool we use. We also read to her on a daily basis, about 5-10 books a day and she really enjoys reading the same old books again and again. Currently, she likes The Prince & the Pauper, The Elves and the Shoemaker, The little Red Riding Hood...

Learning is definitely not limited to flashcards, it is just one of the tools we use. We will be creating more categories of flashcards for our sweetie as she grows older. We have so many topics in mind but we are waiting for the right time to introduce it to her so that she will be able to relate to it, so stay with us! We will be updating regularly with our new topics : )

Sunday 12 January 2014

Things in the kitchen

If you think a woman's place is in the kitchen ... think again? ... that's where the knives are kept!

This is by far our most popular topic, almost every customer bought this set so we thought of sharing a sample of it. A set of 45 pieces. Related topics includes, things in the living room, things in the bedroom : )

Please contact Summer (91453782) or Roy (91699306) for more details : )

Friday 10 January 2014


Even the God of Fortune needs to withdraw money at the ATM ... but don't worry this picture is not part of our Chinese New Year Flashcards : )

Chinese New Year is just round the corner and we have many people suggesting to us to make this set of CNY flashcards for the occasion so viola, here it is! A set of 23 pieces : )

Let us usher in the Year of the Horse with a gallop! : )

Thursday 9 January 2014

How does a lion like his meat?


Animals in the zoo, one of our favorite topics and definitely one of my daughter's all time favorite because she simply loves going to the zoo, almost like a weekly affair. Anything just to see her smile, the things parents do for their little ones : )

A set of 31 pieces : )

Customized Flashcards - Things You Find In School

"Education ... is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." - Nelson Mandela


We customized this set of flashcards for a mommy whose little one is going to childcare soon. How timely! It's really thoughtful of the mommy to think of doing this topic for her little one : )

We are saving this lovely set (21 pieces) for our daughter too! Although she will only be going to school next year... but it's never too early to start right? : )

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Printing in Progress ...

 We have just received an order today for our almost entire collection of flashcards. YES, almost all our entire collection! And so we have been busy printing, printing and printing. If you are wondering, it's more than 2000+ flashcards, it's tedious but we are enjoying every bit of it knowing that someone out there appreciates our flashcards. 

We made all our flashcards from scratch and we take pride in our work so when someone appreciates our hard work, it makes us really happy : )

Okie, back to printing! : ) Will be back soon!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Your Starter's Kit - Your Tool To Get Started!

We have (finally!) sorted out our Starter's Kit details and here goes:

Starter's Kit Includes (These are some of the topics we started with):

1) Different types of fruits (51 pieces)
2) Different types of vegetables (41 pieces)
3) Things in the living room (23 pieces)
4) Basic colours (21 pieces)
5) Alphabets A to Z (27 pieces)
6) Animals (31 pieces)

We started with these topics because we feel that these are the things the little ones can relate to and it will be more age appropriate for them. Now our daughter can identity most of the things from the list above and even numbers and alphabets too! : )

Please contact Summer (91453782) or Roy (91699306) to place an order or if you have any queries : )

Saturday 4 January 2014

Have a blessed 2014 : )

Happy 2014 everyone! : )

We will be back soon with more posts, we are currently swamped with work and with printing new flashcard orders. We have done a few more customized sets and we will be sharing them in the next few posts.

Stay with us, we will be introducing a beginner's package (as we have received numerous questions on what topics to start for parents who want to start flashing to their little ones), details and price will be out soon! : )

Have a blessed 2014! : )