It's no big secret, we use these transparent boxes to store our flashcards. The best thing about these boxes is this - you can stack them up so they wont take up a lot of space! This is really important if you don't want to clutter up your house : ) We also label the box (Box A, Box B, Box C, Box D...) and we rotate the box for different days (we flash one box every day)! : ) We have about 5-6 boxes of these flashcards and we will rotate the flashcards everyday so that our daughter wont get bored of the same topics : )
One of the mommy suggested that we package the box into our flashcards so that mommies can have the option to purchase the boxes to store their flashcards too! We thought it's an awesome idea and so we are implementing it! : )
We will be selling these storage boxes for $6.50 per box for any flashcards order : ) Just an estimate, one box can store about 20-30 topics (just a rough gauge as different topics have different thickness).
We will be really busy printing flashcards and creating new topics for the month of February, so keep your orders coming, we will be happy to serve you! : )
Wishing everyone a prosperous neigh year! : )